Artist List
Julien Jarreau

• Bachelor of Fine Art from Ithaca College and studied abroad in Florence Italy
• 44 Years in Advertising and communications as Creative Director focusing on strategic
conceptual development for major healthcare campaigns shifting deep seated beliefs and
• Seasonal MV island residence for the last 26 years currently residing in Boston
• Study of lights and darks particularly the shorter winter months where strong lights and darks
pervade in the northeast
• Retired from work to study my roots in fine art, working in watercolor as my primary medium
creating landscapes and seascapes with a secondary focus on drawing and painting the
human figure

Artist’s Statement 05-10-2024
“Art Muse” is often used to describe the artists inspiration—the driving force behind the
creative energy. Gratification comes to us through the subtle body (the mind) and does not
discriminate its content. The Creative Explorer is always on the hunt for that particular image or
scene that captures the essence of our lived experience. What inspires me is how we can’t
really know or understand light without the darkness; the opposite is also true. Being able to
capture this contrast on a blank canvas is what motivates my creative vitality.

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